In yesterday’s game, Brett Myers ran into a lot of trouble, specifically in the third inning. He walked pitcher Scott Olsen, then walked in a run.
“I got a little upset with myself with missing my spots and kind of let it get to me. I’m better than that. I wasn’t trying to walk the pitcher. I’m trying to throw strikes. It just didn’t happen, and ultimately, it cost me a run.”
Watching that third inning, it’s almost as if Myers got ticked after the Anderson Hernandez double. In getting ticked, he started trying to finely locate his pitches. Olsen was earning strikes on low fastballs; Myers kept gunning for that zone, but missed by two to three inches each time. It was at a point where I was yelling at Myers to stop focusing in on that part of the zone.
Myers can’t be a thrower. But sometimes he needs to just throw to get himself back in a groove. Especially when someone breaks his concentration. We always knew Myers was complex.