Categories: AnalysisPosts

Ibanez Enjoying Phruits Of His Labor

IbanezPCIbanezPCBack to last night: Honestly, has any Phillie ever captured the fanbase this strongly and so quickly than Raul Ibanez?

After slamming the Phillies into the 13-11 lead, Ibanez ventured to the outfield, where he was greeted by not merely a standing ovation, but a full crowd display of the Wayne Campbell and Garth Algar “We’re not worthy!” gesture. Chants of “Rauuuuuul!” were mixed among the cheers. Ibanez spoke after the game about the ovation:

“I’m definitely appreciative of that. My feet barely hit the ground when I ran back to the outfield. I was floating.”

Floating. It took Pat Burrell years to feel that. It took Ibanez 18 games. Of course, when you hit a game-winning home run, provide consistent all-fields offense, make awesome plays in left field and knock a go-ahead grand slam all in your first 18 games, you too could be floating.

Many of us questioned the pickup of Raul Ibanez – he’s a lefty, he’s old, he’s an American League hitter, his home run totals will evaporate. So far (and yes, it’s very early), we doubters have pie in our faces. Ibanez has been the team’s MVP so far. And already, he’s Philadelphia’s new favorite athlete.

Tim Malcolm

Tim first found the Phillies as a little infant at Veteran’s Stadium, cheering on a Juan Samuel game-winning home run in his very first game. With the pinstripes in his blood, he witnessed Terry Mulholland’s 1990 no-hitter, “Steve Carlton Night” at the Vet, game three of the 1993 World Series, countless games during the charmed 2008 championship season and various road excursions. Since November 2007 Tim’s been writing about them daily at Phillies Nation, becoming one of the world’s most popular Phillies scribes. You can catch him on Twitter and Facebook, as well. When he’s not talking about the Phils he’s relaxing with a St. Bernardus ABT 12 or one of his many favored brews.

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