Is Charlie Morton the next Roy Halladay? If you’re going with style points, the guy is dead on. Sportscenter did a split screen, which you can see here, putting the two side by side and their releases are exactly the same. Well, really, Morton is trying to perfect Halladay’s, and he’s doing a damn good job. Take a look at how close they are. If Morton were slightly taller, they’d look like the same guy from the back.
And why wouldn’t Charlie Morton want to emulate Halladay in every conceivable way? Whatever Morton was trying previously just wasn’t working. He finished 2010 with a 2-12 record and a 7.57 ERA in 17 starts, so back to the drawing board he went. And instead of taking notes or pieces of Halladay delivery, he said the hell with it – I’ll take the whole thing. The results have been impressive – 5-2, 2.51 ERA
Phillies fans will get to see Morton this Saturday against Kyle Kendrick.
(h/t to Ryan Lawrence, saw this video on his facebook page)
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