Phillies Nation TV premieres tonight at 6:30 on TCN

Comcast-Network-Logo1Comcast-Network-Logo1We are proud to announce that this season, Phillies Nation TV will be available on televisions in Philadelphia.  Through a new partnership with Comcast, we will be airing Phillies Nation TV once a month on The Comcast Network.

The show will air on TCN on the second Tuesday of each month at 6:30 pm and it will be replayed on Comcast SportsNet the following Thursday at 11:30 (after Phillies Post Game Live).  Segments will also appear on and

We are very excited by this opportunity for Phillies Nation to reach over 2.5 million homes in the Philadelphia area.  The first episode will air tonight, March 12 at 6:30 pm on The Comcast Network.

To celebrate this momentous occasion, we will be hosting a premiere party at Chickie’s and Pete’s on the Boulevard beginning at 6pm on Tuesday (map).  The first beer is on us!

Brian Michael

Brian founded Phillies Nation in 2004. He is the owner of Shibe Vintage Sports retail store in Center City and teaches Economics of Sports at Temple University. Brian grew up in Northeast Philly and now resides in South Philly.

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