Damn, that’s ugly.
File this under Things I Don’t Get. The Phillies have announced they’ll lower the ugly ad sign tower that remains from the Veterans Stadium days — you know, the one that obstructs the view of the city skyline when looking past Ashburn Alley.
The barely-functioning eye sore will go from 157 feet to 115 feet and will become a 2-sided message board, according to the Inquirer. The question is, why? That thing is just damn ugly and really serves no purpose other, or at least hasn’t in many years. I guess, like anything else, it comes down to money. The Phillies see an opportunity to make a few bucks by putting new advertisements on it.
If they want to make a few more, they should secure it and run tours up to the top of it for $10 a pop. I wouldn’t go, but I’m sure a few tailgaters would have a ball.