Fans of Phillies Nation, we want you!
We’re looking for college students to join Phillies Nation as contributors to our fantastic website.
Someone who…
– Is currently enrolled as a communications or journalism major at a local college.
– Is involved in student newspaper, magazine, radio, or TV program.
– Has great knowledge in baseball, and specifically in the Philadelphia Phillies. Also has a passion for all sports, but, specifically, the Phillies. (If you enjoy Sabermetrics and stats-driven writing, that’s a plus.)
– Has the time to write articles for Phillies Nation three days a week and occasionally on weekends.
This is NOT a paid position and is NOT for college credit. It’s simply a possible launching pad for someone interested in a career in journalism. Â Successful writers will have the opportunity to secure a paid position after one year as well as get involved in other projects like Phillies Nation TV, social media, live events or our online store.
Think YOU are the right person for this gig? Send your resume and samples of your work to [email protected]. We’ll take applicants until Thursday, October 24 at 12 pm. Good luck!
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