“Lucky” is an HBO documentary that follows the lives of people who have won the lottery and those who strive to be...
When it comes to freedom of expression at sporting events, it’s a common refrain that the fan – who pays his money...
Cole Hamels. Adam Wainwright. Both former World Series stalwarts for their respective franchises, both on different levels the past few seasons. Both...
This is the Phillies Nation Writers Roundtable. Every so often, we’ll come up with a topic we’d all like to address and...
I play sports video games a lot. Malcolm Gladwell wrote in Outliers that it takes 10,000 hours of practice to become truly...
The consensus surrounding the Ryan Howard/Albert Pujols trade rumors is that it’s a non-issue. Teams talk like this all the time –...
First things first, Kyle Kendrick was once again spectacular in his third spring outing. He tossed four brilliant innings, allowing just two...
The Total WAR Project is a series of posts Mike and I began back at The Phrontiersman. In each post, we take...
For the second straight night, manager Charlie Manuel decided it best to rest some key players in the lineup, despite still being...
The Phillies start the week Monday traveling to the desert to take on the Arizona Diamondbacks. In their last ten, the Phillies...
Cincinnati Reds (41-41) at Philadelphia Phillies (43-38) Homer Bailey (1-0, 5.94 ERA) vs. Rodrigo Lopez (1-0, 2.84 ERA) Time: 7:05 p.m at...
At first glance a 21-16 record is fine work; especially with all the early distractions, it’s good the Phillies have skated out...
This is “Keep the Change,” a new feature by Nick “The Beer Man” Staskin. Nick is a beer man at Citizens Bank...
And on May 5, the Phillies took first place. The Phils climbed to the top of the National League East with a...
Joe Blanton finally put it together Monday night, throwing a six-inning start worthy of his moniker “innings eater.” Almost all the pitches...
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